Wednesday, February 24, 2010


Just something rough, quick, and dirty this time.

I can turn out finished paintings every time and...I don't want to. Last night, I drew a baby for some friends in my IRC channel. It was rough and sketchy and I only did the barest linework to define her and clean her up. And that's okay.

If every drawing I had to upload was a masterpiece, I'd be so bored.

And now I share her with you.

That said, I might finish this at some point later on.

So yeah, just some brain droppings this time.


  1. I actually like your stuff more when it's rough and quick. Could be my own personal style, but I feel like overly digitized work can get tired and you have a tendency to overwork some things. I'd like to see a series of little like 2 x 2 sketches of just your rough work. Get them in little frames and you'd be golden.

  2. Caitlin:

    Yeah I feel the same way. My finishes always lose something because I don't know when to stop. If I could just leave things at pen drawings, I'd be thrilled.

  3. She's adorable, Ria.
